WARNING: All files available here are virus-free. Ignore antivirus and search engine alerts.
1-For English do not use the language.dll file in the main folder
2-Many features will not be available if you use a language other than the one you chose during installation.
October 01, 2024 - V3.51 released
-1- Printing functions in the File and Edit menus.
-2- Lost interpretations.
-3- Interpretations editor problems.
-4- Incorrect aspects in dual PDs charts.
-5- Planetary and orbs settings varied by selecting charts and techniques. Now they maintain the set configurations and are restored to the default ones only with the *Back to Main* commands.
-6- Menu ListsTransits and Prog/Dir...
Partial revision and related fixes. A complete revision would be desirable, and perhaps will be done in the future.
-7- Improved tools for analyzing the Astro-Databank database.
-8-ASTRO-DATABANK database in Chinese language
Separate download also available
June 20, 2024 - V3.50 released
-1- Z PDs chart: XMP positions in charts sometimes wrong.
-2- M\Z PDs chart: Speculum in “Positions” window sometimes wrong.
-3- Inaccuracy progression rate of Secondary Progression.
-4- Some issues with the display of accented characters and text alignment.
-5- Almutens bug in the sidereal techniques.
-6- Sidereal Time in Sidereal: Correct calculation and label changed.
In tropical charts, "Sidereal Time" is the equatorial arc between the MC and the vernal point of Aries, one of the two equinoctial points. According to this definition, in sidereal charts the "Sidereal Time" can no longer have this meaning, even if it always remains the equatorial arc between the MC and 0° of Aries.
So, what was "Sidereal Time", is now in the sidereal charts
"0°Aries Sidereal Arc".
-7- The option "Add Nutation in sidereal mode" has been removed.
Reason: Astrology works on the basis of Ptolemaic astronomy.
The position of stars and planets is observed from a geocentric or topocentric perspective. The correct vision is that given by the eyes and optical instruments, which see them against the background of the celestial sphere. Therefore the used ephemeris MUST tacitly takes into account ALL astronomical motions. Adding or removing the nutation is not useless, it is wrong. This in both, tropical and sidereal techniques.
-1- "Zodiac Releasing", "7 Parcels", and "Speed". Zodiacal Releasing is an Hellenic technique that provides a detailed analysis of a person's life potential events. All Imported from Valens by Robert Nagy.
-2- Decennials: An Ancient Timing Technique, like Firdaria Technique.
-3- Monomoiria Ruler:The ancient doctrine of the Monomoiria.
Tables of the Monomoiria. From a Greek manuscript.
-4- Velocity:Displaying the velocityof planets, this is important
in ancient astrology.
-5- The 7 Lots:Displaying the positions of the seven Arabic parts with important meanings in ancient astrology.
-6- From the PDs tables it is now necessary to close the open window to call another.
-7- See below the new entries "Indian Style Charts".
-1- Added East Indian chart to Jyotish.
-2- Added three types of Indian astrology charts to TradTech menu. Imported from Astrolog v7.60 by Walter Pullen.
Right mouse click on the window for options.
They are different from the ancient Indian charts in Jyotish.
In Jyotish, it is necessary to use the Sidereal Zodiac,
with Lahiri Ayanamsa and the Vedic houses.
The newly added Indian style charts do not have the
limitations mentioned above.
-1- "Aries Sidereal Arc" now available.
-2- Ayanamsa offset stored in configuration files.
-3- Astronomical speculum disabled in sidereal because not compatible.
-1- In Primary Techniques, and only in Tropical, the Speculum (Positions) window can be called up from the tabulated PDs.
For both, M PDs and Z PDs, it is available with a limited number of parameters. Custom settings are not possible.
-1- Significantly enriched database, with over 76,000 entries and equipped with powerful search functions. Given the huge amount of data, it may take a long time to open. The speed of your PC's processor is crucial.
Astro-Databank is a non-profit community project and in the legal sense a subdivision of Astrodienst AG - https://www.astro.com/index_i.htm - with no commercial interest.
-1- Added optional display scheme. Selection in "Settings -> Graphics Settings", then check "Theme2".
Otherwise use "e" key to switch between them ["k" key in Italian version]. New glyphs imported from Morinus by Robert Nagy.
Text layout and vertical scroll improved.
Interpretations of Karmic Astrology added in the Italian version. From Martin Schulman's books. Previous ITA interpretations are from books of Nicola Sementowsky-Kurilo, Derek and Julia Parker, Linda wolf.
Traditional Morinus and Valens by Robert Nagy
These programs can no longer be downloaded from the author's website. They are therefore made available here, with the source codes, in the Links page.
April 14, 2023 - V3.46 released
Enabled user correction for Ayanamsa value.
In the SettingsCalcultion Settings... menu, the field
"Correction to chosen sidereal mode (in degree)" is active.
The correction allows to introduce real values of degree,
positive and negative.
-By entering +/- 0.0003
-We have +/- 00°00'01" added to the default Ayanamsa
The offline atlases bug in version 345 has been fixed.
Using offline atlases allows now to determine the
Geographic Time Zone of all major locations in the world.
(Thanks to Walter Pullen)
June 07, 2022 - V3.45 released
All known bugs in version 340 have been fixed.
New charts in the TradTech menu
-Contra Antiscia
The Navamsa chart was already present in two other menus.
The three representations show different details.
May 24, 2022 - V3.40 released
3D chart of the Celestial Sphere added in Extra menu.
(->Imported from Astrolog 7.30 by Walter Pullen)
New "Atlas Lookup and daylight time history" function added in Charts Editor.
(->Imported from Astrolog 7.30 by Walter Pullen)
Traditional Chaldean planetary hours added. Day from sunset. Option for day from sunrise. One second accuracy.
Therefore it has been eliminated a bug in the Almuten evaluation.
All ideograms of all oriental languages are now manageable.
Find Time and Place feature added. Imported from Morinus and improved in the settings interface. It works in the range of years -2999 / + 2999. Search starts from 1/1/1(January 1, 1st year), or -1/1/1 if the starting year is negative. It finds max. one chart/day. Using the ASC/DES positions, an invalid value message will be shown if the value of the ASC is set to 0° or 180°. This feature is very useful in case of ancient charts or for charts created from older ephemerides, where the planetary positions were not that exact.
Added the Recent function in the File menu to easily open the last ten charts. If the number of ten is exceeded, the first
chart will be removed from the bottom of the list and the new
one will be added at the top. The function appears if at least
one chart was opened in previous sessions. The default charts in Macros and recalled from the celebrity list are not stored.
Standard macros have been integrated into the program menus:
-View / Show Asteroids
-Extra / More ...
Nine pop-up menus with their sub-menu:
- Planetary returns
-Progressions and Directions
-Restrictions for Progressions and Directions
-Astronomical data
Now macros can be edited with these new facilities:
-WA nnn is the number of items in the menu
-WM num string1 string2
string1 is the menu title, string2 is a flag char, as follows:
if string2 is "i": this is a normal menu title
if string2 is "M": this is a popup menu
if string2 is "d": this is a gray menu title (only for info)
if -WM num " ": this means this is a SEPARATOR line
New "Hide Aspects" feature in Show menu.
New license for the program, now GPL version 2, June 1991.
Broader and clearer credit list.
New Help file for Astrolog32v3, including "The Dodger" Companion.
### *** Several bugs fixed *** ###
#Whole Sign House System wrong
#Nutation in sidereal mode: positive sign only
#Texts overlapping for Double charts in wmf format
# Thanks to Walter Pullen while James was busy elsewhere
*Celebrity database reinstated
*Astronomcal Speculum wrong
*Flower charts were not compatible with white background
*Modern Progressions-Directions rearranged
*Shripati and Equal(MC) House Systems wrong
*Non-existent graphic aspects in the Terrestrial Transits charts *Double chart: sometimes aspects towards empty points
*Births with summer time: incorrect Almuten evaluation
*Births with summer time: planetary hours as civil time
*Planetary hours wrong
*LOF sometimes in graphical wrong position
*Solar and Lunar returns: functions of +/- keys optimized
*Menu File / Export / ave Chart as PostScript (eps files)(1)
*Menu File / Export / Save Chart as WMF(1)
(1)Paid programs are required for files created with these
*Menu File / Export / Save Chart as Wallpaper...any choice(2)
(2)For these exports it's necessary to run the program with
administrator rights. Attempting to execute these exports
without administrator rights, causes the program to close.
*Menu FIle Print(3)
(3)Using MACRO_personal, or configurations with colored
or black backgrounds, printing is not always possible in the
best way
February 05, 2021 - V3.30 released
Morinus ".hor" files can now be opened
Companion to A32 by "The Dodger" updated
Aspects of PDs axes to Native axes in tabulated PDs added
Graphic aspects in double Mundane (Terrestrial) charts
New “Crtl+d” switch to enable/disable aspects in all charts
(Therefore reduced the number of PDs charts in menu from tabulated PDs)
Double information box for Profections double charts
Modified data for Syzygy date/time from Morinus
Solar and Lunar Returns relocated in Chart#2
Nutation in Sidereal mode: option added
Interpretations editor: bugs fixed
"-c" switch (back to single chart): bug fixed
French MACROs: bug fixed
XMP in Passages charts: bug fixed
Astro-graph positions in sidereal mode: bug fixed
All the other known bugs fixed
August 21, 2020 - V3.20 released
Double information box for double and multiple charts
(not for charts coming from TradTech Pr.Dir.Tab. -> Charts)
North and South Indian items added in Jyotish menu
Bug "R" label missing in double charts fixed
Bug wrong planetary positions in Gauquelin sectors fixed
August 2, 2020 - V3.11 released
Age harmonic charts added in Charts menu
(Options in "Calculation Settings...")
French version completed
Reset command from MACROs: bug fixed
July 12, 2020 - V3.10 released
Single installer for all Windows versions
Topocentric coordinates with parallax correction added =#DisableSave and =#EnableSave switches added
Campanus PDs charts in Zodiac fixed
Sidereal PDs: bugs fixed
Alcabitius house system: bug fixed
Mundane charts before Oct. 4, 1582: Julian calendar fixed
Embedded MACROs improved
French version almost completed
Minor bugs fixed
April 18, 2020 - V3.00 released
See Features page
A32v2.05 bugs fixed
Previous feature improved
New menus added
New functions added
Jyotish techniques added
Primary techniques added
Other traditional techniques added
Starting from version 3.40, Astrolog32v3 can be compiled with Microsoft VS C ++ 2008 Express SP1. Above the program download in ISO format.
Some antivirus, including Windows Defender, may incorrectly report a virus in the A32v3 project. In this case set the downloaded file as an exception to ignore.