Astrolog32 v3
Official Website - English Version
Astrolog32v3 contains numerous innovations compared to previous versions, for which exhaustive manuals are available that retain all their validity.
In detail:
The Companion to Astrolog32 – by “The Dodger” 
It is present in all the language versions of the program. It is in English but, thanks to the numerous automatic translation software, it can also be used in other languages. 
In addition to analyzing in detail all the main functions implemented in previous versions of Astrolog and Astrolog32, it is a valuable source of general information, difficult to find elsewhere in an equally synthetic way.
Manuel d'utilisation d’Astrolog32 (v2.05) – by Philippe Epaud 
It is present in the French version of the program. The manual is comprehensive and easy to consult.
Astrolog32 v2.05 – Guida alla versione italiana – by Roberto Luporini 
It is present in the Italian version of the program. The guide is complete and also constitutes a good manual, however synthetic, of modern astrology.  
Astrolog2 v.1.30 a v.2.02 – di Petr Trnka 
It is present in the Czechoslovak version of the program. The guide is comprehensive, in text format.
At the moment it was not possible to rewrite a complete user manual for the new version, nor would it be all necessary. In the Help menu, however, there is the Help File in English. At the beginning there is a small section, Instructions, with an essential summary for the use of the new functions. Below, in the MACROS FOR Astrolog32 v2.05: BASIC INSTRUCTIONS section, there is a guide to move between the items in the Run menu. While referring to the latest release of version 2, it maintains its validity intact.
As for the new functions related to traditional astrology, in all languages ​​and always in the Help menu, you can call up the PDF of Traditional Techniques. It is currently a native speaker in the Chinese, English and Italian versions.
Below we also provide a document with First Use instructions and a Quick Start for the Primary Directions.

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Last update
July 01, 2024
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                                                   Roberto Luporini    and   James Ren